To cut a long story short, this is the musical big bang in 36 seconds: The whale-human orchestra in the Canadian North Pacific, recorded in 1985, with Jim Nollman (guitar), Micky Remann (violin) and unknown orca whales (vocals).

Listen to Charlie Morrows’ brilliant IMMERSE! podcast, which presents the full story of Liquid Sound, appropriately contextualized as part of the immersive media genre.

Micky Remann & His Operahouse Filled With Water 21 (36 min)

Podbean Apple Podcast


„Micky Remann is a German media artist and producer of media events. He invented the “Liquid Sound” concept and its installation in various locations with exceptional waters such Bad Orb & Bad Sulza in Germany. They involve participants floating in body temperature salt water where they participate in immersive experiences that includes underwater sounds, music, lights and surround video.

Remann also developed the popular international FullDome Festival at the Zeiss Planetarium in Berlin. It features innovative productions, music and entertainment in the genre of 360-degree, audio-visual media and immersive fulldome theatre performances. He is also a some-time singer, a songwriter, and an author. I met Micky in Bad Sulza where I could enjoy the underwater sound system. In this podcast Remann discusses his explorations of whale & dolphin languages and his more recent exploits expanding the Liquid Sound concept.

Playlist of samples: Underwater bubble soundsAquasonic • Between MusicPhoning Annea • Charlie Morrow & Annea LockwoodConcert for Fish • Charlie MorrowLive at Liquid Sound • BalsamfieberComet, Fire, Water • Charlie MorrowLiquid Sound Festival 2014 exc • Thomas Kagermann Liquid Sound Festival 2014 exc • Jim NollmanWater, Ocean • Charlie Morrow

Subjects discussed: immersion concerts, salt water flotation, pre-birth experiences, fulldome experiences, first immersive experience at age 3 when he almost drowned in a pond, his sister saw him in a dream-like state and yelled to his mother who ran to save him, mermaids, underwater crystal palaces, temple for underwater listening, communicated with whales of the Pacific Northwest coast with music, environmental opera & symphony, reincarnations as an Orca Whale, body temperature and salt water while simulating the musical experience of whales, underwater concerts, thermos / bad / spas, DJ nights, full moon concerts, Liquid Sound Festival …“

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